Thursday, March 13, 2025

Missing Holi in Gwalior: A Festival That Feels Different Now...

It’s Holi today, and while I’ve tried to keep the spirit alive wherever I am, there’s always a quiet emptiness that creeps in this time of year. Holi used to mean something entirely different when I was growing up in Gwalior... A festival that was louder, messier, more chaotic, and yet so full of heart. Now, as an immigrant far from home, Holi feels quieter, more reflective and honestly, a little lonely.

Growing up in Gwalior, Holi wasn’t just about colors, it was about the people, the atmosphere, and the effortless joy that came with it. The day would start early with the sounds of laughter and splashes of color filling the streets. Friends and neighbors would come together without the need for an invitation. The air would smell of gulaal and wet earth, and the streets would be lined with people chasing each other, drenched in color, while loud Bollywood songs blasted from every corner. 

I remember how we used to plan our color attacks the night before. We used to gather pichkaris and water balloons, and by mid-morning, everyone was unrecognizable under layers of silver pinks, blues, and greens. There was no worry about clothes being ruined or hair being a mess because that was the point. Then came the sweets...gujiyas, thandai, and all sorts of homemade snacks that every household seemed to have an endless supply of. Holi was a sensory overload in the best possible way!!! Colorful, loud, sweet, chaotic, and deeply comforting.

It’s been years, but I vividly remember the exhaustion after a long shower, scrubbing off the stubborn colors from my skin and hair. The tender warmth of the March sun on our hands, still stained with hints of color. That special mom made chicken curry, a Holi tradition that tasted like home. And the quiet that followed after all the chaos and laughter... A peaceful stillness that made it all feel complete.  

But Holi as an adult, and more so as an immigrant, feels… different. I still try... I make something colorful, maybe buy some gulaal, and wish friends and family over text. But there’s no crowd of friends showing up unannounced, no neighbors dragging me into a color fight, no loud music spilling into the streets. The energy is missing. The spontaneity is missing. And with that, the feeling of being truly immersed in the festival is gone too.

What makes it harder is the contrast. I know what Holi can feel like, so this quieter version feels hollow. It’s not that I’m not grateful for the life I’ve built here, but this version of Holi lacks the warmth and chaos that made it so special back home. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s the festival I miss or the version of myself that existed back then. The carefree kid surrounded by friends and family, not worrying about the next day or the cleanup.

I think the hardest part about missing Holi isn’t just the lack of celebration, it’s the emotional weight of realizing that some things might never feel the same again. Traditions evolve, people grow apart, and places change. Holi back in Gwalior exists now only in my memory, but that’s why it feels so vivid. It’s untouchable, preserved in my nostalgia.

Still, I try. I put on some music, maybe make a small batch of gujiya/mathri, and call family and friends back home. It’s not the same, but it’s enough... Because maybe Holi now isn’t about recreating the past, it’s about holding onto the feeling of connection, even when the celebration looks different. And maybe that’s enough for now.

So, to anyone missing home a little more today - Happy Holi. May the colors find you, even if they arrive more quietly this year...

Picture courtesy: A random colorful doodle made by me for Holi. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Dusshehra For Me! Then and Now...

I grew up in a small house in India that was situated right on the main road with lots of shops all around.
Every traffic jam, every marriage procession, every funeral march was visible from our balcony, and audible from anywhere inside the house.

While the guests at home always complained of loud noises, we were innately accustomed to noise of horns, horse taps, and regular hustle-bustle that started with the opening of the first shop and continued till the last shop closed.
Along with lots of dust and noise, we were also a participant in all the festival celebrations that took place in that market – by default.

I woke up to a swarm of messages on Dusshehra and Vijay Dashmi yesterday and today (apparently it is being celebrated both days this year)
While now, it is limited to Whatsapp and Facebook messages and forwards from friends and family members, it used to be a lot different back then!

Dusshehra also marked the onset of chilly weather in the part of world I grew up in.
The sweet shop right in front of our house used to extend its display. The music shop on the other side played loud music for the occasion. The street and shops used to get decorated. People would start planning the whitewash for Diwali. Some of us also used to worship our vehicles that day.

There was a Ram leela on a ground close enough that we could hear all the dialogues. The Ravan they made used to be tall enough for us to see from our rooftops. The smell of fireworks mixed with a little wind chill at night, was a feeling I still remember. Some years we went to that Ramleela ground, some years we waited on our rooftop to see the fireworks, and some years we were in train coming back from the annual satsang that we used to go to…

It is strange that I never appreciated those days as much back then as I do now…Specially on the festivals. When I know there is an occasion, but I don’t see anyone else celebrating around me.

And that just reinforces my all-time policy of “Har pal yaha… Jee bhar jiyo…jo hai sama…kal ho na ho…”

Coming back to present -
While the mode of celebration has changed, place of celebration has changed, style of celebration has changed, one thing I surely would like to keep consistent with this festival is the message of “Triumph of Good over Evil”
No matter how we celebrate, it is a good day to remind ourselves to be nice to be good and to remember being that all year round…

My day would probably end telling stories about Dussehra to kids and maybe a drive down the local temple where they plan to burn Ravan effigy!
Happy Vijaydashmi to everyone and Happy upcoming festival season!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Music and Me

Wikipedia says” Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence”

I say, music is something that goes to the soul and touches the heart.
For me, music is magic.Music creates memories.

Music is something I feel and not listen to.
Music has the power to touch me deep inside my heart.

Music can sway me back in time.
It can remind me of a long lost friend or a phase of life.
It can make me happy and can make me sad.
It can bring a smile on my face and can bring tears to my eyes.

At times, I listen to music according to my mood and at times, music can set my mood.

After a long time today, I trusted the “random song” playlist.
And had a rollercoaster ride of emotions.
While a song reminded me of my brother’s wedding, another one reminded me of a sweet thing a friend said.
One song took me back to my high school and the other one to my early wedding days.
One song took me back to a phase of life that I would like to forget and another one to a virtual beach :D

Music has the power to take me to a different world altogether, and I had a great trip down the memory lane today.

Picture: Something I scribbled and clicked at work while on a tea break!
P.S. That is a music note with hearts in a big heart. Idea behind it - I love music! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow...

October 2013. Our first trip to Disney world. My favorite attraction - "Carousel of Progress"

A ride where the audience revolves around a stage to see the Progress we made over the years starting from the turn of century... It is hard to believe that there was a time when there was no electricity, cell phones, planes, TV and even water supply at homes.

People back then never thought that they could fly one day, or there would be moving pictures on a box or they could talk to someone far far away...and the daily chores can be done by just pressing a button. 

But this is all a reality today. Just because someone had a dream. And they worked on the dream to make it true. 

I came out of the ride with a lovely song to hum...With a hope that tomorrow is going to be beautiful...And knowing that nothing is impossible. It is just a dream away!!! All we need to do is dream and work to make our dreams come true.

As much as I loved the concept, I loved the song that was played as we revolved around the stage. And I have been humming this ever since...:) 

There’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow’s just a dream away
Man has a dream and that’s the start
He follows his dream with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It’s a dream come true for you and me
So there’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
Just a dream away
PS. I went to this show/ ride thrice. Try to find this on youtube. I am sure you will end up humming this song all day long...

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Being Thankful...


I was driving my kids to school this morning. At a red light, I looked back at my older one to say something and I felt some discomfort in my eye. I had never felt that before. The light turned green and we kept going. 

When I felt it again while in front of my computer later during the day, I resorted to our best (or not so best) friend google to see what it could be. Biggest mistake right? Ignorance is sometimes bliss. 

After reading all the scary stories and looking at horrific pictures, I was scared that I might loose my eyesight. Too quick to conclude? Probably the mind is programmed to believe bad over good. 

All of a sudden all these thoughts started coming to my mind as to how life would be if that happens. I wont be able to see my kids? No TV, No computer, No reading, No colors, No life? 

Within an hour and half after pleading with the scheduler, I was at the Ophthalmologist. With every letter I read on the board I felt I topped the class. With every test being cleared, gave me a sense of satisfaction that everything is alright. The doctor concluded that everything is fine and the pain is due to the inflammation and should go away. I breathe a sigh of relief. 

But wait, doctor, you dialated my pupil, I cannot see anything. How would I drive back home? 
You are fine driving it is just in the room that you cannot see for a couple of hours.

I came out with blurry vision. Saw 2 missed calls on my phone, but could not read who was the caller. Sent voice message to Sachin and he replied with a text. Could not read it. Came back home and tried to work on computer, could not. Thought of catching up with my DVRed shows. Could not. Finally I resorted to bed and closed my eyes. 

While I closed my eyes and got a moment to think, I thought about people who actually do not have eye sight or for some reason lost it. My heart was heavy, and I could feel their pain. I could feel a tear coming out of my dilated eyes.

As after a point, those thoughts started making me uncomfortable so I called some friends. By the time my phone calls ended I could see better. I thanked God for my vision and for everything I have. I realized that sometimes, being thankful is the most comforting thing you can do for yourself.

Friday, October 10, 2008

October is all about pink

We have heard about it. We know about it. We have seen it on TV. But, what we don't know or understand is what they go through who are actually affected by it, till someone you know personally is affected by it.

Did you know that one in every eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime? That’s one every three minutes

Some one in my office is taking chemotherapy. She has breast cancer. I was taken aback when I heard about it. The only thing that was likable about the whole situation was her spirit. Her spirit to fight the disease. Her spirit to support those who support the cause. Her enthusiasm to help eradicate the disease or at least have an early diagnostic.

Our firm took one step further and supported Lee National Denim Day.

Lee National Denim Day® is one of the largest single-day fund raisers for breast cancer. On Oct. 3, millions of people nationwide will slip into their favorite jeans and make a $5 donation (or more) to support the Women’s Cancer Programs of EIF, who are bringing together world-class scientists to develop an early detection blood test and working in Lee Labs nationwide to find less toxic, more effective treatments for breast cancer patients.

We are proud to support this event and the fight against breast cancer. You can check out our team page at There, you can donate money to this cause and learn more about breast cancer. Whatever we contributed, Our company matched it.

We did slip into our jeans yesterday with our pink ribbons broaches. I meant to write this blog before Oct 3, but somehow could not. But it is not over. You can show your support for whole month of October. So, go pink, donate if you can, put the pink ribbon in your profile and spread awareness.

God bless.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Sachin!!!

For April 9th 2008

I always say April is special for me. But this day, is even more special because it is special for the most special person in my life. It's Sachin's birthday.
It seems like we have known each other since ages now. We have reached a level where we just have to look at each other to know what we are thinking. It has been a wonderful journey with you and am hoping it continues till eternity. I just love you the way you are.
And on this special day, of the numerous things I simply adore about you, of the numerous times, I feel proud of you, of the numerous times I feel to be the luckiest person on earth, here are some:
  1. The way you try to take up all the responsibilities on yourself when I am busy at work.
  2. Love it when you know I am tired and make tea for me to surprise…
  3. Adore you when you don’t care about it is a ladies purse in the mall and take it from me so that I can try stuff on…
  4. When you always try hard to understand my problem and try to solve it.
  5. When you come home early when we hang up the phone on an argument.
  6. When you make papad to make things up
  7. When you immediately start worrying when I have a headache
  8. When you always say "Accha lag raha hai" to anything I like in stores.
  9. The way you give in your 100% in whatever you do. May it be making a cup of tea or a big project at work.
  10. Your sense of humor
  11. Your sensibility.
  12. The way you are more concerned about my health than myself.
  13. The way you freak out when I don't put on the safety belt on treadmill
  14. The way you act when you don’t sleep well.
  15. The way you get up early with me on Saturdays…
  16. The passion with which you love cricket, Amir Khan, Daal and Me.
  17. The way you go to every extent for people who matter.
  18. The kind of knowledge you possess from every sphere of life.
  19. The way you sing and of course Dance. I love it!:-*
  20. Your patience.
  21. Proud of your achievements.
  22. The way you sing gibberish when you don’t understand the lyrics of a song. Still remember "Chakdiye"
  23. Your ability to eat anything anytime in any mood. Makes it sooooo easy on me.:)
  24. The way you guide me in personal, professional or athletic matters.
  25. When you are always game for the plans I make.
  26. The way you slide on the foyer, when I come home and you are already there…although I get to see that for only 3 months a year.
  27. The way you switched from Selson Blue Natural to Classic for me.:)
  28. The way you do small things for me in your own special way.
  29. The way you always call me at work and ask if I ate my breakfast.
  30. The way you have helped me become what I am. You have made me a better person and given me all the love care and respect that I deserve and much more. I simply cannot thank God enough to have brought you in my life. On this special day, I wish you all the happiness in this world and our togetherness for life and beyond.
Happy Birthday Betu! Lots and lots of love…
Well, I can go on and on on this. But since 30 holds a special importance on this day of the year, I will stop here, and let some other special people of your life say something to you:


People like you are loved by all.
So, from all of us,
Here are love filled greetings for a Happy Birthday and wishes for the very best of luck and life.
Akash me jitney tare ho
Khushiya utne sare ho
Khushiya itne sare ho
Ki kisi bhi gham ka ehsas na ho


Pehchan Kaun?


Jijs for me is like one person I can always look up to for the answer of my questions. He is the one who guided me to the good part of my life since I know him. If I have to rank the person I really admire in my life he'll come right there after my parents :)

He is a gem of a person with whom you can do all kinds of talks, a full time Entertainer, A super intelligent Human Being, Pretty good singer and a Mind blowing comedian :)
Wishing you a very very happy birthday jijs!


Phoolon ka taaron ka sabka kehna hai….
Hazaar karodon me mere Bhaiya hain….
Saari umar hamein sang rehna hai…..
Wish you thousands of Happy returns of the day….
Keep Smiling

With lots n lots of love & good wishes


Hello Bhaiya many many happy returns of the day.....I hope dis bday brings u more happiness and success. Whenever ur bday comes in my mind it always reminds me the story which mom tell us every now and then about ur classmate in Gwalior i guess....really hilarious one...hope u also remember that. I hope we are meeting in India and we both will win one more Ludo game as u know u r a Ludo champ....aur waise bhi "hari baaji ko jeetana humien ata hai tanananana." once again Happy bday loads of love to world's best bhaiya.



Happy Birthday Choci Chacha


Sachin Chacha - Happy Birthday!!!
Lots of love

Uncle and Aunty:

Janmdin ki bahot bahot shubhkaamnayein aur aashirwaad


Bhatija, Urvashi, Saumya,

A gift for you from Nivaan – he has decided to call his Sachin tauji – Sachin chachu.. .Happy Birthday Sachin Chachu…
Lots of love.

Harsh, Tanu n Vanshika:
Sachin ke janamdin ki de rahe hain sabhi badhai...

Tanvi khushi se jhoom uthi hai and planning kar rahe hai surprise..

Prakriti ne bhi basant ki hai chaadar pehni..

Mano keh rahe hai Sachin tumhare hi leeye cherry blossom ki khushiyaan le aaye

Mile tumhe safalta.. aur khushi saalon saal...

Wish kar rahe hain manao tum apna janamdin isi prakaar barum baar...


Hii Jijs

Wish you many many many many manyyyyyyyyyy


Poonam :

Happy Birthday to someone who deserves a truly happy day!!
Sachiiiiin, Keep as always and do what u do, coz u r just the best!!!!! goodluck!!!
May ur birthday be filled with all the happiness and the most beautiful things in life!!
Looking forward to many more years of fun & friendship..lots of good wishes..


Hi Sachin!

Wish u a Happy Birthday! Being 30 must be a different feeling, crossing the 20s line across. But I know you will always be young at heart;) and spread happiness with your uncomparable sense of humor, and great affection for people around you. Another year to celebrate having a wonderful friend like you because everything u r and everything u do makes u someone very special. Have a very very happy birthday.


Deep - Navodita,

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!. Many happy returns of the day. Have a great day and a wonderful year ahead!! Where are we all going for dinner on the 9th?:-)


Dear Mitr, Wish you many many happy returns of the day. May all that you wish for come
true. Safaltaon ki seedhiyon ke aur bade chalo !


Dear Sachin, Wishing you many many happy returns of day. Hope you have great day and year ahead.

Sunil, Mrinalini & Suraj:

Hi Sachin,
Wish you a very happy birthday!

Priya, Gurprit ,Kenny, and Arinder.:

Hi dear Sachin,

With lots of love, we wish you a very!! Happy Birthday!!
Today is your day to celebrate
Your day to be the star
So let the ones you love all cheer
And say how special you are

May this year brings you lots of happiness and joy, May all your wishes come true. Have a Great day and blessed year ahead.
!! Happy Birthday !!

Wish you a very very happy birthday !! I hope destiny brings you happiness and cheerfulness to you like you bring to the group. See my face how cheerful i am just imagining a great get together.

Pooja :

Sachin is so cool and fun to be with. He can always make anyone smile and its simply wonderful having a Friend like him.
I Wish him a Very Happy Birthday and a year filled with Joy and Happiness, and may all his dreams come true.
On a Special note:- Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake :
Sachin - Happy Birthday Once again !!!!!!


Sachin Bhai - I have Just one line for you.
"Friends like Sachin are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget."
Many Many Happy Returns of the day !!


Here are my heartiest wishes for the coolest guy on his birthday. Sachin has to be one of the nicest persons around and he possesses the capability to make things better by his sheer presence and charisma. I admire him for his unflinching devotion and adoration he has for his pyaari-pyaari biwi who, then again, is one in a million. May this birthday bring a lot of happiness, success and love to him and he be forever blessed. Many, many happy returns of this day to you Sachin. God bless.


Hey Sachin!

Wish you Happy Birthday !!!

Birthdays are nature's way of telling you that you have got one more year less to enjoy. So Enjoy and have Fun as much as you can on THE DAY !!!


"Sachin! We have a special previlege to say "Wish You the same" for Our birthdays! ;) Have a Wonderful Birthday"


Herez to 100 years of all forms of warehousing !!


Happy B'day Sachin !!!!!
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun.
So....Enjoy the trip. :)

Anu :

Hope that for every candle on your cake you get a wonderful surprise.
Wishing u a day soft as silk.....

white as milk.....

sweet as honey & full of money.

may all ur dreams come true....

HAPPY BIRTH DAY SACHIN and Wish u many more....Have a great Time Together.

Hope you have a great day ahead! Happy Birthday to you! Love you!

April 09, 2004

April 09, 2005- Canada

April 09, 2006

April 09, 2007

Hope this year is even better for you and it keeps getting better for you in the years to come!

All the love I have!

Happy Happy Birthday!!!